• Comprehensive language program includes grammar,
writing, reading, listening and conversation.
• 30 minutes biweekly live sessions
(6 live sessions a month) with the class teacher.
See features of Live Lessons
• 24/7 online access to Arabic
worksheets, learning videos, stories and games.
See features
of Online Learning Center
• Daily 15
minutes tasks and practice, except the weekends.
See types of tasks
• Learning
program extends from grade 1 to grade 12.
• Feedback
and reporting system to monitor the students’ progress.
Professional teachers in learning Arabic for non-Arabic
• Curriculum built upon joined
professional standards from America and Arabic countries. |
Online, no need to commute to any place.
Continuous practice of the language skills comparable to schools
with Arabic curriculum.
Fun way to learn Arabic Language using games, projects, stories
and rhythms.
Kids develop the language skills as they progress in their
grades. See why you need to
start early
Parents are involved in the learning
process and feedback system.
Small classes consist of a maximum of 7 students.
Affordable and easy payment, discount is availabe for brothers
and sisters. See Fees
• Reward
system to encourage students completing their tasks.