What is it for you as a parent?
- Do not needs to worry about when you kid will learn Arabic
- Do not need to regret that you never start early to teach your
child the Arabic language.
- At any time you move to Arabic school or Arabic country, your
child will be prepared to blend in the school system without
- The child will have the awareness of Arabic culture.
- If the interest of your child is to take Islamic studies,
learning Arabic language will make it easy.
- If the child has relatives or friends who speak Arabic
language, he will be engaged with them.
- When you start early, you will not need to work so hard with
your child to get him learn the Arabic language.
- The scientific research has confirmed the value of learning
the mother-tongue in order to gain another language. So learning
the Arabic language will help in acquiring fluency in English as
a second language in an easier and faster way.
Why do you need to start now?
- Embed the love of learning a second language in your kid.
- Kids get the awareness of other cultures.
- The kid acquires the new language as he/she is developing his
learning skills
- The smoothness of learning a second language to a kid in a
gradual manner.
- Kids acquire a second language so easily.
- Kids can learn languages fluently.
- Kids will have fun while exploring other language.
- Introduce the basic of the second language to your kid before
he has a lot of home work and responsibilities.
- Starting early will give the kid the plenty of time in
learning the second language.
- Introduce your kid to the interested Arabic dialectic.